The mild weather we have been having, makes it hard to believe it's almost Christmas in NJ, and I love the fact that I can carry some of my favorite warm weather pieces into the fall and winter this year. This jumpsuit is one of my favorites, and unfortunately it is also one of the items that was packed in my suitcase that is currently missing in Newark Airport somewhere, (sigh). When I found it online at I fell in love with the pattern and the style, but I wasn't sure about the pant leg. It looked a little wider than what I am used to wearing, but It was on sale for $25 reduced from $100, so I figured I could always alter it if I didn't like it. When I received it and tried it on, I decided I really didn't like the wide pant leg, so I did end up altering it, and now I love it even more with the elastic bottoms because it's comfortable, yet versatile enough to dress up or down.
I was going to write a quick post about my outfit, and then I started thinking about the word alter. I looked up the definition: Alter- to change or make different; modify, to change or become different, to cause a transformation.
Sometimes we have to make some alterations in our life if we want things to be different. Change isn't change until we change, right? It's amazing how when we just do one small thing differently than we have in the past, we are more productive.
Right now I am at a point in my life where I'm trying to figure out how God wants to use me. If you have noticed I haven't been posting as much as I use to. I work all day on a computer, and the last thing I feel like doing when I get home is sitting in front of one again( just being honest), but the funny thing is, when I neglect my blog, I feel kind of incomplete. I know that may sound silly, but I actually do love posting, it just takes me some time to gather my thoughts, and if all of you fabulous people are going to take the time out to read this, it better be something worth reading!
In my last post I told you that I would be changing my daily routine up a little bit, and I have been.
I started reading Terri Savelle Foy's book Imagine Big and can't get enough of it. I bought the box set which includes several cd's on different subjects. The Clutter Clean Out is the one I am currently listening to and she talks about being more efficient by using the 20 minutes you do have rather than worrying about the hour you don't have. It's so true isn't it? We have all of these unfinished projects taking up space in our heads because when we think about getting them done, we get overwhelmed and never complete them. It really is amazing what tasks you can accomplish in 20 minutes. So far I have cleaned out my makeup drawer, my closets and junk drawer, and now since these projects are no longer taking up mental space in my head, I can work on my goals and the bigger things I want to accomplish.
Do you have projects taking up mental space in your head? How does your physical space look? Is it cluttered?
Maybe it's time to clean up and clean out so you can make room for the bigger things that God has for you.
Have an amazing weekend Everyone!
Jumpsuit (Line & Dot) (NLA) ~ similar // Shoes (Nine West) // Clutch (Plum Consignment Shop) ~similar// Stella and Dot necklace (only available in gold)//Park Lane bracelet// Michael Kors watch/ Kate Spade Sunglasses
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